Hannah Bohm,
Hi! I'm Hannah, a community activist and mother. I'm standing up for all Texans, because House district 59 deserves a representative who fights against the harmful policies of our current lawmakers and pushes for government accountability that puts importance on public health and safety, and individual liberties.
There’s nothing more important to me than loving and accepting everyone. My parents have always instilled that in me, as they have learned and grown from the hardships they experienced in their childhoods. I took that value and embraced it completely, knowing that governments must be held accountable to this same ideal. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs and Criminal Justice, which opened my mind to the possibilities of the world and allowed me to recognize the inequities and strife in our country.
A strong proponent of individual liberties, I found myself on the wrong side of the criminal justice system in my civil disobedience for cannabis legalization. Career plans pivoted, but my passion to help and uplift others continued. I worked restaurant jobs until I moved to a place where my “crime” was just an adult’s personal choice. Opportunities in my communities opened up: I worked as supervisors in restaurants, offices, and banks, and I spent my free time volunteering at libraries to teach reading and English-speaking proficiency to the community.
I am running for office because state representatives make decisions for all Texans, and they must be held accountable to keep the interests of all Texans in mind. I believe that the government should uplift and serve, not neglect or attack, its constituents. Public health and safety must not be sacrificed for the personal gain of elected representatives.
Texans are hurting from the current policies, many of which were sponsored by my opponent. Lawmakers are creating laws based solely on their religious beliefs instead of consulting with educated professionals. I trust educators to know what’s best for their students, doctors to know what’s best for their patients, and parents to know what’s best for their kids. Don’t let legislators make decisions on subjects that they know nothing about.
I will listen broadly to the people in my district to address the most important concerns. Using a team of volunteer county coordinators, I will make constituent services a priority. I will get the help so desperately needed to Texans, ALL Texans, based not on my personal beliefs, but on professional facts.
Real solutions matter, and every Texan matters. Our district needs the support of the Texas legislature, especially when it comes to supporting our independent school districts that employ a large portion of our population. We want our towns and counties to be prosperous and I will advocate for everyone in the district by working with professionals that have proven solutions, and the public’s best interest at heart.